Migration from Equipment data from MOCA Database UAT server to MOCA Database PROD server
User Story
As a User, I would like to monitor the contractors' equipment performance in IN Pit Performance Dashboard where the data was uploaded using new excel template into MOCA DB UAT server can be available in MOCA DB PROD server
Success Criteria
- The contractors' equipment data which was uploaded into MOCA DB UAT is copied into MOC DB PROD server
- The ETL adjusted to new tables (contractor_equipment_performance and contractor_equipment_performance_plans) in MOCA DB PROD
- The datamart is adjusted as per required to have data from ETL contractor_equipment_performance and contractor_equipment_performance_plans
- The dashboard presents the proper data of contractors' equipments
Action to be done
- 1. Transfer the contractors' equipment data which was uploaded into MOCA DB UAT into MOC DB PROD server
- 2. Adjust ETL node(s) for contractors equipment
- 3. Verify the datamart with new data source
- 4. Refresh In-Pit Performance Dashboard's dataset
- 5. Verify the result in In-Pit Performance Dashboard